Shafer Law, P.A.

Criminal Law

Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyers Protect Your Rights

Experienced attorneys serving Northeastern Florida for more than 30 years

Have you been arrested for driving under the influence or for a drug crime? Are you facing domestic abuse charges or any other criminal charges in Jacksonville? If the answer is yes, you need a Jacksonville criminal defense law firm experienced in the criminal justice system and in finding alternatives to jail time.

The criminal defense lawyers at Shafer Law, P.A. believe every client is innocent until proven guilty. They aggressively fight for your rights and act quickly to provide you with the responsive service and the highly effective defense you deserve.

Our Jacksonville criminal defense lawyers effectively and persuasively represent you at every step in the criminal process, from bail hearings, interrogations, and lineups to arraignments, pre-trial motions, plea negotiations, and jury trials.

More importantly, our attorneys are experienced in criminal jury trials. In fact, having an attorney who is ready for trial is the best chance you have to beat the charges, and the most effective way to get the prosecution to offer you a fair and equitable plea deal.

Crime statistics in Jacksonville

In 2016, there were 24,883 total arrests in Jacksonville. Adults accounted for 22,639 arrests, while 2,244 were juveniles. The most arrests were for the following offenses:

Also high on the list were nonviolent economic crimes such as fraud (697 arrests) and embezzlement (117 arrests), and vice crimes such as prostitution (242 arrests).

Assault, domestic violence, and abuse

In 2016, there were 3,644 arrests for simple assault and 919 arrests for aggravated assault in Jacksonville. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office also made 57 arrests for forcible sex offenses. An experienced defense attorney at Robert Shafer & Associates can represent you in the following areas:

With all violent offenses, we are determined to defend your rights, your freedom, and your reputation.

Drug crimes and charges

In 2016, there were 4,014 total drug arrests in Duval County, with Jacksonville representing 3,561 of those arrests. One of our drug crime attorneys in Jacksonville can represent you if you are charged with the following:

A conviction for these charges carries severe consequences, but our attorneys are determined to protect your rights and work toward the best possible results.

DUI, DWI, or drunk driving

In 2016, there were 1,710 DUI arrests in Duval County, with Jacksonville representing 1,458 of those arrests. Our DUI lawyers in Jacksonville can represent you in the following:

A DUI conviction carries harsh penalties, including the possible loss of your license. Don’t go to court without one of our determined lawyers to protect your rights.

Our Jacksonville criminal lawyers can help with other legal issues, including the following:

Your future matters to us. In every case, we fight to deliver the best outcome possible.

Contact us for a free initial consultation about your criminal defense needs

The Jacksonville criminal defense law firm of Shafer Law, P.A. represents clients charged with DUI, domestic violence, drug crimes, and other criminal offenses. If you have been arrested for any of these offenses, it is important that you contact an experienced Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer who can improve your chances in a court of law. Call us toll free at 904-450-5872 or contact us online. Our office is conveniently located on North Pearl Street, just blocks from the Duval County Courthouse Annex and Central Station on West Bay Street.