Shafer Law, P.A.


Trial-Tested Attorneys in Jacksonville, Florida Defend Clients Accused of Theft

If you’ve been arrested for committing a theft, pawning a stolen item, dealing in stolen property, or falsely claiming ownership of a pawned item, you need the immediate assistance and representation of an experienced, aggressive defense lawyer. The law office of Shafer Law, P.A. understands theft cases and will work aggressively for you.

What is larceny?

Larceny is the legal term for a nonviolent theft that involves the wrongful taking and carrying away of someone else’s personal property with the intention of denying possession to the owner. Larceny specifically relates to physical property that a person can pick up and move, so it does not cover the misappropriation of ideas, services, or real property. Larceny accounted for the third highest number of arrests in Jacksonville in 2016.

Theft crimes vary widely and carry an array of serious punishments, depending on the circumstances of your individual case. Punishments are more severe when the theft is accomplished through burglary or robbery.

Forcing the authorities to prove every element of a theft crime

The Florida Statutes § 812.014 defines theft as knowingly obtaining the property of another to deprive the owner of the property or to appropriate the property as his own. That compels the prosecution to prove several elements of the crime:

A prosecutor cannot get a conviction for a theft crime without proving all of these elements. We endeavor to present your case in a light that casts reasonable doubt on one or more of these elements.

Common theft crimes and penalties in Jacksonville, Florida

Common larceny/theft charges that we defend include:

Penalties for theft/larceny depend on the value of the property taken. Our lawyers regularly defend clients accused of:

Because Florida theft crime law turns on so many intricate facts, defendants often face more serious charges than they could have imagined. When that happens, it’s important to retain the best criminal defense counsel you can find.

You deserve a high-quality defense

Each criminal law case is different. Our attorneys defend first-time offenders as well as alleged repeat offenders throughout the greater Jacksonville area. A theft conviction could have long-lasting consequences. A shoplifting conviction or theft crime on your record can cause problems for employment or your credit. In many cases, even though a client is “factually” guilty, we can prevent the client from being found “legally” guilty, and erase the arrest from the client’s record.

Call our experienced Jacksonville defense attorneys for a free initial consultation on your theft charges

Shafer Law, P.A. has helped thousands of clients accused of theft, and our seasoned legal staff is prepared to provide you with a strong defense of your charges. Call us today at 904-450-5872 or contact us online to set up your free consultation. Our office is conveniently located on North Pearl Street, directly across from the Duval County Courthouse.