Shafer Law, P.A.


Jacksonville Attorneys Defend Clients Accused of Assault and Battery

Protecting the rights of those accused of crimes in Northeastern Florida

The crimes of assault and battery are taken very seriously in Florida. Even a simple assault can result in jail time. If you have been involved in a fight or are being accused of an assault or battery, it is essential that you retain a lawyer quickly. The Jacksonville criminal law lawyers at Shafer Law, P.A. represent each of our clients effectively and persuasively. Our attorneys have been serving the Jacksonville area for over 30 years.

Is assault and battery a felony or a misdemeanor in Florida?

There are a variety of crimes that fall under the umbrella of assault and battery. An assault is an intentional threat, words or an action that cause someone to fear impending violence. Battery is actual offensive contact, such as hitting someone. You may be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the severity of your crime. The assault and battery crimes in Florida include:

Any of these penalties can be increased when the defendant has a previous record, especially in cases of previous violent crimes. Our attorneys work hard to defend your case and minimize your sentence.

Defending against special assault and battery charges

Laws meant to protect police and the elderly can turn simple disputes into felony convictions. An assault on a police officer, EMT or firefighter while they were doing their job can be charged as a second or third degree felony. A defense against this charge is possible if you didn’t know the person was acting in this official capacity. A battery against a person 65 years old or older is a felony punishable by incarceration in state prison. Regardless of the charges against you, we work to defend your innocence while seeking out options to reduce the charges or sentence.

Trust attorneys with experience to defend you against assault charges

When your freedom is on the line, you need an attorney you can trust. At Shafer Law, P.A., our lawyers have experience representing defendants of battery and assault charges. We work with our clients to plan a legal strategy and construct a defense. To arrange a free consultation, call us at 904-450-5872 or contact us online.